Nordiska kommissionen för Geodesi

Nordic Geodetic Commission


Working Group for Geodynamics





Minutes of the 34th meeting of the Working Group for Geodynamics within the Nordic Geodetic Commission


Finnish Geodetic Institute, Masala, March 11-12, 2010





Denmark                 Gabriel Strykowski                  DTU Space

                                  Emil Nielsen                             DTU Space  

Finland                    Jaakko Mäkinen                       FGI

                                  Mirjam Bilker-Koivola            FGI               

                                  Hannu Ruotsalainen               FGI

                                  Heikki Virtanen                       FGI

                                  Arttu Raja-Halli                       FGI

                                  Jyri Näränen                             FGI

                                  Ulla Kallid                                FGI

                                  Markku Poutanen                    FGI

(Åland Island)        Martin Ekman                          Summer Institute for Historical Geophysics

Norway                   Dagny Lysaker                         UMB

                                  Dag Solheim                             Statens Kartverk              

Sweden                    Hans-Georg Scherneck           Chalmers

                                  Martin Lidberg                         Lantmäteriet

                                  Per-Anders Olsson                  Lantmäteriet

                                  Jonas Ågren                              Lantmäteriet                    

Estonia                     Tõnis Oja                                   Estonian Land Board

                                  Andres Rüdja                           Planserk AS

                                  Harli Jürgenson                       EMÜ, Estonian University of Life Science

Latvia                       Janis Kaminskis                       Latvian Geospacial Information Agency

Lithuania                 Eimuntas Paršeliunas             Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Germany                 Olga Gitlein                              IfE, Leibniz Universität Hannover

                                  Ludger Timmen                       IfE, Leibniz Universität Hannover

                                  Reinhard Falk                           BKG, Frankfurt.               

1.  Opening

Chairman Martin Lidberg opened the meeting and Per-Anders Olsson (with help from Hans-Georg Scherneck) was appointed as the secretary.

2.  Institute reports

No summary is given of the individual institute reports. Most of them will be available at the home page of the meeting; (

DK:  Danish National Space Center (Gabriel Strykowski)

FI: Finnish Geodetic Institute, FGI (Hannu Ruotsalainen)

NO: University of Life Sciences, UMB (Dagny Lysaker)

SE 1: Lantmäteriet – The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Per-Anders Olsson)

SE 2: Chalmers, Onsala Space Observatory (Hans-Georg Scherneck) not presented

EE: Estonian Land Board (Tõnis Oja)

LV: Latvian Geospatial Information Agency (Janis Kaminskis)

LT: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Eimuntas Paršeliunas)

DE : BKG (Reinhard Falk)

3.  Presentations on results from AG observations

Olga Gitlein: Comparison of trends from 5 and 15 years of AG measurements.

Jaakko Mäkinen: Repeated absolute gravity measurements in the Fennoscandian Postglacial Rebound area: comparison of gravity change with observed vertical motion and with GIA models. It is agreed that Jaakko should proceed with the work to compile a manuscript and submit to Physics and chemistry of the earth, (special issue from the DynaQlim meeting in Espoo June 2009). For this paper, there are one co-author from each observing group.

(The chairman has after the meeting checked with absent members of the w.g. that this is an acceptable decision.)  

4.  Business matters

4.1  Proposal for structure on NKG and the working group for Geodynamics for the next 4 years period.

Martin showed some previously accepted documents concerning the “Vision for NKG”, “Objectives” and “Activities” for the working group for Geodynamics.

The meeting recognized that the work over the last four years has been carried out very much in agreement with these formulations and the proposal from the meeting is that the working group should continue in the same form for the next four years period.

Martin announced that he will not candidate for chairman of the group for the next period. The working group shall present one or a few candidates for chair for the NKG General Assembly in September. The following names were suggested by the meeting:

·       Jaakko Mäkinen (Jaakko did not want to be a candidate)

·       Miriam Bilker-Koivula (Miriam did not want to be a candidate)

·       Gabriel Strykowski (Gabriel accepted to be a candidate if no one else was found)

·       Björn Ragnvald Petersen (Björn Ragnvald was not at the meeting, but was afterwards asked by Martin with the result that Björn prefer to pass the chairmanship to someone else)

·       Jonas Ågren (accepted being a candidate)

4.2    Discussion regarding sharing data from AG observations.

Martin had written a draft on “Agreement on exchange of data from absolute gravity observations” and an extensive discussion was held on that. It was a general opinion that the draft was too formal and strict and should be formulated more as a “memorandum of understanding”. Some other topics discussed during this session were:

·       Which parties except the measuring institutions in the Nordic countries should be comprehended by this agreement, and how should this be formulated?

·       A definition (geographical) on which data to be comprehended by this agreement should be included. Greenland? Iceland? Baltic countries (yes if they agree to share data). Germany? Fennoscandian land uplift area?

·       Storage of raw data should be done as ASCII-files (and binary files) that can be produced (and reprocessed) by the “g”-software.

The meeting did not succeed to come to a final solution on the formulations and agreed that this draft should be finalised by more work and correspondence and acceptance by e-mail, initiated and led by Martin.

4.3    Draft for an updated AG-plan.

Per-Anders had made a draft of an updated version of the AG-plan from 2003. It had been distributed to the participants of the meeting in beforehand. This plan should be finalised and accepted via e-mail. Greenland and Iceland should be included.

5.  Scientific presentations

No summary is given of each individual presentation. Access the papers via the links below.

Jaakko Mäkinen: The Cost Action ES 0701.

Jaakko Mäkinen: Repeated relative gravity measurements on the Fennoscandian Land Uplift Gravity Lines 1966-2003: comparison of gravity change with observed vertical motion and GIA models. Manuscript status.

Jaakko Mäkinen: Remeasurement of the Finnish First Order Gravity Network with the A10-020 of the IGiK (Warsaw) was started in 2009. The time span is 47 years. Is there a capability for detecting PGR?

Emil Nielsen: A10 measurements in Greenland and Denmark.

Martin Ekman & Per-Anders Olsson: Crustal loading and gravity change during the greatest storm flood in the Baltic Sea.

Heikki Virtanen: Comparison between a superconducting gravimeter (GWR-T020) and an absolute gravimeter (FG5-221) at Metsähovi.

Ludger Timmen: First experience with registrating spring gravimeters.

Hans-Georg Scherneck: The superconducting gravimeter at Onsala.

                       GWR leaflet introducing iGrav,  a portable superconducting gravimeter. Pricelist as of February, 2010.

Tõnis Oja:  Evaluation of vertical gravity gradient in Estonia  and Software package GRAVS2 for the relative gravity data processing.

6.  Next Meeting

The NKG general assembly will be held in Norway September 27-30. Therefore, no date or place for the next meeting was decided.

7.  Closing

The WGG thank their host, the Finnish Geodetic Institute, for excellent organisation, service and treatment food-wise.