Welcome to the Ocean Loading Provider
***    ENTRY PAGE    ***

    will send mail to your address.  
   Optionally: enter your email address   (computation results)
You can resume a recent request: Enter <magic>:<email-address> above and click CREATE REQUEST
Example:  50133_20230501101107:dracula@transsiberia.urg

Optionally: secondary email address   (error reports etc.)  
Note: `n.n.´ is a pseudo-address. If you supply input to a field above, please remove  n.n.  
Options for login
Do you encounter Not Found after pressing CREATE REQUEST ?
Note: The IP number of your computer must relate to a host name by way of the DNS chain polled from here.
If the adverse happens, we can add a by-pass for you on request.
A few unlucky users have reported problems harder than this, and we shall try to solve those too.
Please report to us, and include: the IP of your machine, the browser you are using, and quote the line appearing below "Not Found".

Hans-Georg Scherneck

News and links
2025-02-20 - Apologies after weeks of problems with long station file uploads
Read more at the News link.

2024-12-18 - New ocean model available: FES2022

2024-09-26 - Update of advice for users sending requests by direct mail
        Read here in a new browser window or tab

Comments, questions, praise, criticisms? Send us an email

How does it work?
(Opens another browser tab with the text below; consider right-click)

Start a request

Before you press the CREATE REQUEST button, decide whether you want to enter (paste) your station records into a text area or upload a file.
Read more about the options below.
   "Enter your email address" - In order to verify communication you can use the TEST button. You will receive an email with an option to reply.
   Upon pressing CREATE REQUEST a unique token is assigned and the  REQUEST FORM will appear after a delay of circa 30 seconds.
You have 60 minutes to complete the request form and submit it. If left orphaned your login will be undone.
Enter your input and choices

at the REQUEST FORM. Do not miss the field at Select ocean tide model. The pre-filled value Default is a decoy for bots that manage to get that far into the system. If you miss to select a model from the drop-down menu, the system will respond with "Internal Server Error" pretending misconfiguration of the server.
   Press the SUBMIT button when you are sure they are complete.
As long as you don't navigate back to the Entry page, your token, the selections, and the text input remain in your browsing,
Opening a new browser window or tab or refreshing the current one may lead to unwanted complications.  
Navigating back (with the left-arrow glyph) to the REQUEST FORM you can modify the request and submit it.
If you upload a file, a page for the purpose will be presented. You can include much more than 100 stations.
   Pasting the station lines into the text area has an upper limit of 100 stations. The lines that you find there may help you to fit
your records into the format required. Look around the text input area and find helpful link and pop-up.
Read more on issues with coordinates, especially if you intend the specify geographic coordinates in degrees and height in metres.
After submit

the station records and the selection of the ocean tide model are reviewed.
If errors are detected, the page that appears will
  - list the errors (if station records filled into the text area)
  - present a link where the errors are listed (if a station file has been uploaded).
If the response reads SORRY, you have to go back to the ENTRY PAGE
When a request includes station coordinates in longitude latitude altitude, there might be an issue of unintended swap:
When all longitudes are within a range of ±90o from the zero meridian, we must verify the correct order, latitudes coming second.
The user will be shown a map and prompted to confirm or disprove the station positions as the service understands them.  
In any case, a link to a kml-file is presented; it can be downloaded and fed into e.g. GoogleEarth providing a conveniently zoomable map.

See how to login to our Self-Service and what you can find there.

Instructions to the user on the pages appearing after Submit may ask for Browser Navigation manoeuvers.

               SeaMonkey                    Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Opera
Back to pages shown before in the same window or tab; as well Forward again to re-read the instruction.
At one point you may be instructed to Reload a page (case uploaded files after closing the map page).
When suggested to close a page, do! It spares you confusion.

You can reach the URL https://barre.oso.chalmers.se/cgi-bin/list.cgi only via the entry page and—once logged in—by navigating back to it.

Uploaded files

will result in more than one job if the number of records (comments included) is greater than 100. We cannot process more than 100 stations per job.
If the partitioning generates more than five jobs, they will be side-tracked.

There is no default ocean tide model

The default value in the select form is a primitive kind of Captcha against bot attacks.
The response upon submit will pretend a server error.  
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The options you have at the Entry Page

  1. Make no entry at all (empty email address fields or the default "n.n.") and press "CREATE REQUEST" - Okay,
            but don't forget to supply your address on the Request Form.

  2. Supply email address (remove the default "n.n.") and press "CREATE REQUEST" - Will only fail if your address is blacklisted.
            NEW at 2024-07-15: If it's not your first login, the token (the ID) of your previous request will be re-assigned and the Request Form pre-filled.

  3. Supply email address and press "TEST" - The system will send you confirmation.
            If you don't receive it, results from computation will neither arrive.
            Send us an email so we can try to resolve the issue from our side.

  4. Supply a token you had some time earlier and add ":" and your email address (in a string without blankspaces). Example:
            Your latest request will be resumed. Make the necessary changes at the Request Page.
            Without changes your request will not be computed. A clerical change in the station
            records will suffice to avoid that.
              Advantages with supplying your email address:
            (•) The Request page will remember the history of your tokens.
            (•) The Request page will remember the parameters you supplied last time.
            (•) You can visit your User Area where the results are collected.
                 Notice the advantage to re-use your recent token (now an automatic feature).
            (•) Reporting errors and problems, the search will be easier for us.
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