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Welcome to the free ocean tide loading provider


Wednesday December 18, 2024
New Ocean model included: FES2022 (AVISO)
It is only available via the portal on Barre, i.e. on this machine.

Thursday September 26, 2024
Renewed/Updated Instructions for sending requests by direct mail

Tuesday September 3, 2024

1. On Login, the upper text box
You can in fact enter a token without :email@address appended, but only if you have successfully created a job so that a User Area has been made and your email address has been registered at login before.
The simplest option still is to log in with you email address.

2. On Uploading files
Some users ran into a problem when the last line of the uploaded file was lacking a carriage-return (line feed character) at the end.
This had created jobs for which the email address got lost (it's supposed to a appear in the line following the stations.
Now the system always adds a line feed.

Please avoid to upload files whose names include blanks.    

Tuesday July 16, 2024

On User Areas, a malheur
A severe misbehaviour of a script for maintenance tasks has removed practically all User Areas
dating from 2024-06-21 to and including 2024-07-15.
This will also affect the automatic token assignment for users that have created requests during this period.

I you need to re-access results, send me an Email - we might have copies.
Copies of requests are irreversibly lost and so are the kml-files.
Alas, the auto-assignment table has been updated to recall requests up to 2024-06-20.
If you log in with your email address, the top part above the Form Page will show the User Area(s) still accessible to you.
Look for "Searching your request history ..."

I sincerely beg for your mercy /Hans-Georg Scherneck

UPDATE 2024-07-17: Results computed at OSO have been recovered.
Some of them might duplicate files already in residence.

Monday July 15, 2024
On login: Assignment of tokens from user history
Supplying only the Email address in the top box of l.php, the system will pick up the token most recently used with this address.
There are some advantages:
  1.  For the user: The parameters and station lines in the Request From are pre-filled from the recent request. New station lines can easily replace the pre-filled ones. Select them with the mouse highlight-and-sweep function and copy-and-paste-over the new lines from a another window. They just shouldn't include TAB characters.
  2. Also, copies of all results computed in suit and related stuff will be found in the same User Area.
  3.  For the system: There will be less tokens to be stored and folders to maintain.
Saturday May 25, 2024
On the Station File Upload feature
From today on the system copies uploaded station files into the User Area if they
  1. pass tests for sanity so they comply with the format requirement: Plain text like the station records accepted in the Request Form's text area
  2. are not identical to a previous upload file
The file name in the text area will consist of the Token's first six digits appended with the date and time of the copy and ending in  _upl.dat
You remember how to visit your User Area?
What can you do with the copy?
You can download it to you computer and include it in the next upload after making changes.
The plan for the next update is to make these files selectable on the upload page, so you can easily reprocess them with other parameter settings (ocean model, Green's function, CMC ...).

On a quick login alternative
Once you have a Token registered and have supplied your email address at your first login, you can use the URL
You know the format: Example 12345_20240525111505:user@location.dom
On the last page of your request's proceeds the URL is printed ready for bookmarking  it.
Actually, you can change your email address. The change will be noticed in the upper part of the Request page.
You can also append the ReplyTo address,
At the moment, there is still an intermediate step where you must click a PROCEED button. We shall try to automate this, but that requires javascript running on your machine.  

Monday May 13, 2024 - Friday
May 17, 2024
There were persistent problems with User Areas: Previous results and requests have been overwritten.

The issues are cured now.

Sunday May 12, 2024

Rules for keeping the User Areas
With every new login not opting for re-using a Token, a new User Area is opened. In the long run, this leads to swamping the hosting folder. It may also become a burden for frequent users to keep a record of their Tokens.
Thus, we strongly suggest to login with  token:email  your next time round. 

We shall enact rules to trash User Areas that haven't been used for some time:
  1. User Areas neither holding a request file nor results will remain available for 48 hours.
  2. User Areas with all files older than 200 days will be removed.
We welcome your opinion in this issue before rules are made routine.
For instance, would you appreciate a renewal of files' date stamps every time you visit you Users Area; you might need to retrieve results after long time passing.
Or you can express, I won't have use of the User Area feature.
Send email to Hans-Georg Scherneck at hgs_kanelbulle_chalmers.se

Friday May 3, 2024
Concerning the mail system problems with Holt:
The current status is that the job status on Barre's queue page is working independently and well.

If you find it tiresome to go through our web interface, you can send email to the loading provider in a special format.


With the growing number of precise geodetic observations, the requests for ocean tide loading values have increased considerably. Therefore, this webpage has been created in the hope it will help the geodetic community. Just select an ocean tide model, tick the required type of loading, fill in the coordinates of the stations, give your e-mail address and press the submit button. The program will check if it can read your input and if so, will calculate the values and send the results to you by e-mail. The program will take about 5 minutes per station. An example of the output in normal BLQ-format can be found here while an example of the output in the new HARPOS-format can be found here .


Send email to Hans-Georg Scherneck at hgs_kanelbulle_chalmers.se

Jobs with ocean tide models FES2012, FES2014b, TPXO.8*, and TPXO.9* are carried out at a Cload service. If you suspect hang-ups, please cc to Machiel Bos at machielbos_kanelbulle_pm.me


IMPORTANT: A Code of Good Conduct - please read carefully.

March 11, 2022: Extended parsing of requests
A more thorough parsing of station records has been enacted. Requests that fail the test will not be processed.
Instead, the system sends a notification back to the user with hopefully useful advice.

February 03, 2022: New model TPXO.9.5a
This is a 1/6×1/6 degree model, an update of TPXO.9.2a

December 2021: Stricter coding requirements for direct email
If you bypass the web page and instead send your requests by email, we refer to updated instructions as users had been experiencing denial of service.

April 25, 2021: New model EOT20
(Hart-Davis et al., DGFI, doi=10.17882/79489)
July 12, 2021: Problems have been found recently. A revised version has been installed today at 10:00 UTC. Please resend your requests issued before this date.

August 9, 2020: Error in GOT4.10c with centre of mass option
Tides Q1 and K2 had erroneous coefficients for centre of mass.
Please resubmit your sites if you have used this combination of options.

June 26, 2020: New model TPXO.9.2a

March 7, 2020: Error in our copies of GOT4.10c, Q1 and K2 amplitudes, corrected.
For high-precision applications, the set of loading coefficients should be recomputed.

January 6, 2019: New model TPXO.9-Atlas
A high-resolution model, 30x30 cells per square-degree. Loading jobs are carried out at a Cloud service.
February 05, 2018: Alternative loading Greens function available
For decades the load convolution used an elastic Greens function based on the Gutenberg-Bullen earth model. You can choose an alternative, a Green's function for an anelastic Earth [...] . Further reading: Bos and Scherneck (2013)
February 05, 2018: A pro-memoriam on BLQ files (updated)
with emphasis on phase and its conversion for reckoning with respect to the local solid earth tide.
February 05, 2018: Revision of service for gravity and tilt
Today the service goes official with tilt parameters [...].
February 05, 2018: Revised version of converter script olgt.pl
in perl, now named olgte.pl
for converting BLQ to the format accepted by TSOFT and g-Software (Micro'g Lacoste), [...]

(old news)