Plot shows deviations of measurements for each platform. Platform value is only symbolic (offset for visibility), deviations in nm/s^2
The uncertainty of the platform value is 95% confidence
Deviation is A + B + C
A: estimated mean value from all measurements by any instrument in any orientation 
B: estimated slope for each project (uncertainty not shown)
C: average DC-value of super-campaign residual during the specific project
The birds-on-the-wire in the bottom half show what instrument (blue: 233, orange 220)
in what orientation (north = triangle pointing up, south down) and platform.

The two figures above.
Drop scatter and DC-offset in each project.
File name with "-O": The orientation-related offset is attached to the instrument and assumed constant during all the years.
With -x: O-offset is attached to each platform (unrealistc, but an alternative to see the impact of lowering the constraints).



In order to zoom into the DC-offsets of the projects in the super-campaign, else same data as in the
figures "scg-cal-merged" -O and -x, respectively
